Title: The Upside Pdf A Memoir (Movie Tie-In Edition)
Author: Abdel Sellou
Published Date: 2018-02-06
Page: 224
"The screenplay...cleverly uses the structure of a romantic comedy to frame the (platonic) friendship between two very different men... Their interaction is defined by feelings of love and amity... This is a buddy movie where the friendship doesn't play second fiddle to overblown action or raunchy comedy." ―James Berardinelli, Reel Views"If you're looking for a lightweight summer change of pace, with just a smidgen of Continental flair, here it is." ―James O'Hehir, Salon"You will laugh; you will cry." ―A. O. Scott, The New York Times"It's Earth Wind & Fire vs. Vivaldi. It's weed vs. wine. It's the classic odd-couple buddy movie setup, only it'll pull at your heartstrings, whether you want it too or not." ―Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer"Believe the hype-this irreverent take on disability is charming and uplifting." ―Dayla Alberge, The Guardian"It's an opposites-attract, getting-to-know-you buddy comedy with a tender edge and a sweet center." ―Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine"Irreverent and uplifting... it's an unabashedly lighthearted story of transcending socioeconomic, racial and class barriers and finding commonality in humor and honesty... The film's infectious vitality has us hooked... It's a defiantly feel-good story." ―Claudia Puig, USA Today Abdel Sellou now lives in Algeria with his wife and three children, where he runs a chicken farm. He remains close to Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, who lives in Morocco with his second wife and two children.
Abdel Sellou and Philippe Pozzo di Borgo were two people marginalized by society: Sellou a wisecracking, unemployed immigrant, just out on parole; Pozzo a man born to wealth and privilege, recently paralyzed from the neck down after a paragliding accident. How they came to help each other, and the unlikely friendship that became a lifeline for them both, is an uplifting story that's now been told and retold around the world.
In this bestselling memoir, Sellou shows us the irreverent, real-life character behind Kevin Hart's smiling face. The book takes us from Sellou's childhood spent stealing candy from the local grocery store to his career as a pickpocket and scam artist, to his unexpected employment as a companion for a quadriplegic. Sellou tells his story with a stunning amount of talent, humor, style, and--though he denies that he has any--humility.
Don’t waste your money I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie. The story is good, but I don’t like the way the book was written. It was very choppy and bounced around. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie, and hope it’s better than the book. Don’t waste your money on the book.Growing Up... I loved the movie the Intouchables, and immediately sought out the book. It is such an interesting and random pairing of two very different people, and the fact that it is a true story makes even more amazing. The book dives more into Abdel's (Driss's character) background which is a little more complex than what is in the movie. Over the course of the book, you see him grow up, but also feel himself growing up. He doesn't romanticize his story, but rather tries to figure out what led him down that path and is pretty honest about who he is then and now. The friendship that the movie is based on isn't really discussed until the 2nd half of the book but by then it makes sense. Sometimes a interesting story is just about finding out that you are capable of more than you ever thought you could do or be regardless of what that ends up being. Abdel never had any expectations for himself or from others, so it is interesting to see his transformation when he is put in the position of being needed and wanting to be needed.A great perspective on Abdel/"Driss" (The following review is largely my comment disagreeing with the one star, negative review by "E.T.")After seeing the movie, "The Intouchables," I couldn't believe that a person (Abdel/"Driss") so characterologically amoral would be able to change the way the movie pictured in such a short time. So I bought this book that he wrote for another perspective--and I was not disappointed; it gave that to me and I feel richly rewarded for having read it. (Now I'll start reading "A Second Wind" by Phillippe Pozzo di Borgo.)I recommend you see the movie first, bearing in mind that it's not a documentary but was inspired by the life stories of Phillippe Pozzo & Abdel ("Driss" in the film). The movie does have much more continuity than the book but at the expense of taking many liberties, short cuts, alterations of the actual facts and time lines. (E.g., Abdel/"Driss" worked with Phillippe for 10 years & about a year before Phillippe's first wife, Beatrice, died; Abdel did not play "matchmaker" for Phillipe's second marriage.) It does stay true to the unique and uplifting story of these two men.Although Abdel is not a skilled author -- I found his book fascinating because it was like spending an afternoon chatting with Abdel about his life before, during, and after his time with Phillippe: somewhat disjointed, organized by when something comes into his mind rather than being driven by a need to carefully, very orderly explicate beginnings, middles, and conclusions. Abdel's "style" gives a feeling of the unique reality of Abdel that a more polished version probably would never accomplish. This book's "Forward" by Phillipe expresses surprise that Abdel would open up so much and, IMO, Abdel's style of writing and content, what he covers or doesn't cover, conveys Abdel's ambivalence and views of the real person and his transformation that a more experienced writer couldn't touch.I'm a retired clinical psychologist; much of my last 20+ years of work was in the marriage & family area. I learned there's never just one "true" view of relationships; it always depends on who is telling the story. E.g., the child favored by one parent has a much different view of both parents than his/her sibling does. The "Rashomon effect"* actually exists: "The Intouchables" film gave one view of them, Abdel's and Phillippe's books give two others._______________________* The "Rashomon effect" in Marr. & Fam. work takes its name after Kurosawa's famous film in which 4 different people saw the same event yet each describes motivations, causes and effects in 4 completely different ways.
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Tags: 1602865701 pdf,The Upside pdf,A Memoir (Movie Tie-In Edition) pdf,Abdel Sellou, Lauren Sentuc, Caroline Andrieu,The Upside: A Memoir (Movie Tie-In Edition),Hachette Books,1602865701,Entertainment & Performing Arts,People with Disabilities,Personal Memoirs,Algerians - France - Paris,Immigrants - France - Paris,Juvenile delinquents - France - Paris,Male friendship,Paris (France),People with disabilities - Care,Pozzo di Borgo, Philippe - Health,Quadriplegics - Care,Sellou, Abdel,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Entertainment & Performing Arts,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / People with Disabilities,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY,Biography,Biography & Autobiography,Biography & Autobiography/People with Disabilities,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,Biography/Autobiography,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,PERFORMING ARTS / Film / General,PERFORMING ARTS / Theater / General,Performing Arts/Film - General,Performing Arts/Theater - General,you changed my life; memoir; French; Algerian; France; Algeria; paralysis; disability; aid; friendship; ex-criminal; ex-convict; ex-felon; Kevin Hart; Bryan Cranston; untouchable; tu es ma vie; con man; aristocrat; found family; media tiein; popular culture; popular culture general,you changed my life; memoir; French; Algerian; France; Algeria; paralysis; disability; aid; friendship; ex-criminal; ex-convict; ex-felon; Kevin Hart; Bryan Cranston; untouchable; tu es ma vie; con man; aristocrat; found family; media tiein; popular culture; popular culture general,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Entertainment & Performing Arts,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / People with Disabilities,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography & Autobiography/People with Disabilities,Biography & Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,PERFORMING ARTS / Film / General,PERFORMING ARTS / Theater / General,Performing Arts/Film - General,Performing Arts/Theater - General,Biography And Autobiography,Biography & Autobiography,Biography/Autobiography
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